Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Can you believe it? Classes already ended and I have an exercise and a problem set to be handed in on Wednesday and Friday. Give me a break. Even the president of U of T is doing nothing. (If travelling to another country just to talk about stuff with important people that doesn't do any good for us students is not doing nothing, I don't know what is.)

Speaking of which, I've got a couple days to just relax and enjoy life, umm, I mean, to study really hard like it matters before I'm brutally tortured by the exams that are about to come. One of the stupid courses I am in had a average of 38 marks in the midterm and the professor blamed it all on us. 'Everyone will get curved 20 marks. However, you should not be happy. You should work harder. The test wasn't hard at all.' Seriously? I'm so curious to what the prof would say if he sees that the average for the final is in the 20s. I mean, do they even know what kind of people they are hiring into the university?

That's it for the complaining for today, and for ever. I have 7 posts including this one. I think that's good enough. To sum up, apart from being a good place to get my negative energy out and to talk about stuff that is too boring to talk to others about, I really don't see how helpful it is in terms of learning computer science or any other subject for that matter.

Now I'm gonna move on with my life and never open this blog ever again.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

too tired to think of a title

Sitting in front of my laptop, typing stuff like an emotionless robot, trying to squeeze in every word I think sort of goes with the theme of this post even though I have no idea what I'm writing about. That is exactly what I'm doing right now.

Finished with all the classes of this term, I could've been doing something less boring and meaningless like doing some research about what kind of food I should get for my dog when he's finished with the one I just bought for him. Btw, I have a dog who can't get any cuter.

Anyhow, enough with the bullcrap, let's get down to business and talk about something computer science related. Well, I didn't go to class last week. Looking at the lecture slides, I see stuff like tracing, hunting and memoization which I didn't even know was a real word. In case you want to know what I learnt from class, I'm gonna put the link to this week's slide here, cause it knows more about compsci than I do.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Untitled 2

Call me a psychic because I just got my midterm back and I failed as expected.
The word 'fail' is not enough to describe how bad I did.
Look at me, stuck on how to write this blog just like how I was stuck on how to write the BST codes (short for BullShitTree) in the midterm.
I'll admit it, it was rather unfair saying that about BST. It is actually a very clever  data structure that is quite efficient (according to wikipedia, the average time for search, insert and delete are all O(log n)).
Although I might still need some time to fully understand the concept, I do have the confidence to ace the final (like I have a choice. If I don't ace it, I may not get into csc major at all.)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't read this. It's a waste of your time.

Wow, someone read my blog, not by accident. I know this because they even COMMENTED.
So this one is for my loyal readers (please have the decency to not point out that loyal readers to my blog do not exist).

Why am I even writing this blog?
Is it because I think it's a very good way for learning?
Is it because I suddenly have the urge to express my feelings?
Get your head out of your XXX.
I'm only writing this thing because I just failed test 2 (don't ask me how I know, I just do) and realized that I haven't written a SLOG in forever and I don't wanna fail and here I am, making up nonsense that's supposed to get me that 6 marks.

Okay, now I'm officially running out of things to say.
Again, I would like to thank the readers that have supported me from day 1. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you guys. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

OOP and recursion

I know you're probably thinking I should come up with some clever title but this is the most creative thing I can think of. Also, you can go ahead and thank me for not making fun of the name OOP. I don't even want to know how many people used the word 'oops' in their SLOG.

I did CSC108 last year, which is supposed to give me some advantage or at least prepare me well for CSC148 but boy, was I wrong.

The only programming language I've learnt is Python, which is an object oriented language. This makes it so much more difficult for me to understand what an OOP actually is. There is no comparison.

Thanks to Wikipedia, I have a vague idea of what OOP is. OOPs consist of different objects such as classes, each would manage specific kinds of data. If you assign a method to a class, you can access it and tell it to do what you want it to. This way, it is more flexible and manageable.

Now recursion is something I understand better about. It is a process that repeats itself until we get the result that we want. With a base case, the program will end after that so it doesn't run infinitely. It is very helpful when we can break problems into smaller pieces that have a similar structure as our original problem. To understand it, you have to take that 'leap of faith' and believe that it will work no matter how counterintuitive it is to you. That's what I did anyways.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Untitled 1

In case anybody's wondering, though I doubt anyone other than the TA would be reading this, yes, I meant to name it Untitled 1 like the first one.

It's been seven weeks into the term I've done all my midterms. I though being a third year student means that I would've gotten used to the lifestyle which I don't get ANY sleep at all during the midterm week. And I was wrong.

For some reason, I don't even feel relieved any more after tests or assignments, probably because I've got a lot to do this term and the pressure of doing a compute science major is eating me alive.

I guess I should be writing something about computer science in this SLOG thing (I still don't know what it stands for and I'm too lazy to look it up) so here it comes. We've been doing binary trees and stuff like that. The single thing that bothers me the most is not the fact that I don't understand anything in class or know how to do any of the exercises, but not knowing why we are learning this.

Now I'm hoping someone's reading this so he/she can give me some advice on what to do.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Untitled 1


So I really don't know how to write this (or give a title to whatever I write), though I would have a lot to write about if the topic is '10 reasons why you don't want to write a SLOG for a computer science course'.

Well, I gotta earn those marks, after all this thing accounts for 6% of the final mark and, ummmm, thank god I didn't try to pursue a degree that would require me to write anything that's more than 100 words in length?
